Sunday, May 9, 2010

2010 "Balikbiyan" Box Project

I am happy to report that the second "Balikbiyan" Philippine Box Project was a huge success! This is a project of the Annapolis Rotaract & Rotary Club. We nearly tripled the number of boxes sent this year compared to 2008's trip and a total of 11 boxes filled with donated clothing, toys and food were distributed to the villagers of Talavera, Philippines. It took roughly 1 year to collect all the donations and prep the boxes for shipping overseas. I would like to thank my friends & family, fellow Rotaractors/Rotarians, and the downtown Annapolis business community for helping me fill these boxes with your donations. I wish everyone could have experienced the joy that day and as you can see from the pictures below, the villagers were extremely grateful.- Keith Villones (Annapolis Rotaract Member)